Supported by BT
The police service and community partners are facing an unprecedented increase in local demand generated by complex social problems such as mental health related incidents, missing children, homelessness and substance misuse. Alongside this, we have seen a greater willingness to report previously ‘hidden crimes’ such as child sexual abuse and domestic violence, which are more complex to prevent and investigate.
Our 8th Annual Conference looked at how the police can work together in a genuinely integrated way, with other agencies and citizens, to prevent crime and solve complex problems holistically. It presented some of the best and most innovative examples of integrated place-based working from around the UK and discussed how public service systems as a whole need to address the more complex times in which we live.
Selected conference footage and slides
Professor Adam Crawford, Director, Leeds Social Sciences Unit, University of Leeds: ‘Networked policing: learning and working across organisational boundaries to improve community safety’.
Chief Constable Ian Hopkins QPM, Greater Manchester Police: ‘The Greater Manchester experience’
Sophie Linden, London Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime: ‘Working together to deliver a safer city for all Londoners’
Will Linden, Acting Director, Violence Reduction Unit Scotland: ‘If not you who?’
Anna Randle, Director of Public Services, Collaborate CIC: ‘Building collaborative places: infrastructure for system change’
Break-out sessions
David Kelly, Programme Manager, Place-Based Integration, Greater Manchester Police: ‘Joining up what we’ve got or designing what is needed? An insight from Greater Manchester on the development of integrated neighbourhood teams’.
ARC Project: ‘Reducing reoffending through collaboration’
Professor Nick Fyfe, Director, Scottish Institute for Policing Research: ‘Partnership and prevention in an era of reform: evidence from Scotland
Laurence Marzell, Combined Effect Lead, Serco: ‘The combined effect of the collective effort’
SafeLives: ‘A whole family approach to domestic abuse: working with the police and other agencies’
Brendan O’Brien, Director, Bluelight ‘Problem solving through asset based community engagement: the end of the public servant and the birth of the citizen enabler’