Rethinking the police approach to domestic abuse
This guest blog by Penelope Gibbs, Director, Transform Justice looks at the police approach to domes...
Wanted: a national strategy for policing
Today’s National Audit Office report on the financial sustainability of the police service makes f...
Three reasons that innovation is critical to the success of policing
There is a lot of talk about the importance of innovation in policing. Indeed, it is the topic of th...
There are few winners from the blame game in policing: how do the police learn from mistakes?
Who’s to blame? When something goes wrong in policing, sometimes tragically and occasionally disas...
Modernising neighbourhood policing guidelines: big cogs turning
The College of Policing has just launched a set of evidence-based guidelines for modernising neighbo...
Have police cuts contributed to the increase in violent crime?
The Home Secretary has found herself at the centre of a political storm this week over the recent ri...
PEEL Effectiveness and neighbourhood policing: Tugging at the bed-sheet?
A year ago HMIC(FRS)’s annual report on the effectiveness of police forces, led with a headline co...
The end of policing?
There has been a long standing debate in this country about the role of the police. Indeed in the sh...
Crime is up – blame the police?
One of the features of the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) is that it provides us with ins...
A ‘sexting surge’ or a conceptual muddle?
The criminal justice response to ‘sexting’ – defined by the National Police Chiefs’ Council ...
Welfare or well unfair: are sickness absence policies in policing counterproductive to the welfare agenda?
Last year, I asked if a mental health dam in policing is starting to crack, highlighting the finding...
Reflecting on the MOPAC evaluation of Police Now’s first cohort
This week saw the publication of a process and impact evaluation of the first Police Now Graduate Le...