Tackling online fraud

In partnership with Birkbeck University and the Police Foundation, Crest Advisory is conducting research to establish a more comprehensive and meaningful understanding of the nature of online fraud. The work sits across three strands: victims; policy and practice; and future trends.


Crest Advisory is aiming to generate a better understanding of the impact of online fraud on victims and the wider public. For this, it has undertaken a comprehensive literature review and a nationally representative survey with the general public and business owners, the results of which you can find here. It has conducted interviews and focus groups with victims of online fraud, the findings of which will be published this spring.

Latest publications

Behind the screen: Perceptions and experiences of online fraud

Online fraud: Recommendations for victims

Policy and practice 

Crest is producing a comprehensive map of policy and practice in relation to online fraud. This will be done through a literature review looking at current policy and practice in the UK, what works well and what could be improved. Additionally, Crest will be undertaking workshops with key actors, which will complement the Police Foundation and Birkbeck’s interviews with key stakeholders and police force deep dives. This phase of the work will culminate in a white paper setting out how the response to online fraud should be improved.

Future trends

Crest will be conducting research to understand how online fraud is likely to develop over the next 10 years. This will involve a literature review on future trends published as a report that will set out these trends and articulate how policy makers should prepare for them.

Get in touch

If you would like to get in touch with Crest Advisory about this work contact