Policing and young adults: developing a tailored approach


Policing and young adults: developing a tailored approach

Policing young adults

Young adults, defined as individuals aged 18 to 25, represent around 10 per cent of the UK population but account for a third of those sentenced to prison and 30-40 per cent of cases involving police time each year. There is a growing body of research which shows that many young adults have not yet reached the full maturity of adults, which can lead them to engage in risky behaviours. This has led many to argue for a distinct approach to policing young adults that is carried across all agencies of the criminal justice system. Following an earlier scoping report by the Police Foundation, this report describes the current approach in policing and argues the case for taking a tailored approach to the 18 to 25 age group.

The report, funded by the Barrow Cadbury Trust as part of its Transition to Adulthood initiative, sets out what such an approach might look like and how these ideas can be tested in police forces in England and Wales.